Bible Questions & Answers
(This heading will appear at the top of each post)
Over the coming months I’ll be answering questions on the topics below.
1. God/Christ
2. Holy Spirit
3. The church
4. Worship
5. New Testament
6. Old Testament
7. Elders
8. Salvation/Baptism
9. Musical Instruments
11.Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage
13.Denominationalism/Other Religions
15.General Biblically Related Topics
If you have a specific question you would like to ask, send it to Dan Allen You must give your name and e-mail address.
When I answer your question I will not show your name or e-mail address when I post your question to this blog.
I will make every effort to answer your questions within 3 days.
Each answered question will include a Scripture reference for the question. I urge you to read all scriptures from your Bible accepting only what the Bible teaches.
QUESTION: Is God the cause of human suffering in certain classes of
ANSWER: No! Clearly the Bible teaches that God is no respecter of persons
(Acts 10:34). However, we must also understand that God lovingly created man
with the ability to exercise his own free will (Genesis 2:16-17; John 7:17;
Revelation 22:17). It is evident as well, that God has continued to love man (John
3:16). Man suffers today because of unwise or sinful choices made in the past,
by either himself (I Peter 4:15) or others, including his ancestors (Exodus 34:7; I
Kings 21:29).
Have you asked Bible questions and received answers that do not include a scriptural reference? All questions answered in this blog WILL contain scriptures so you can read God's answer from His Word.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Good Clean hUMOR
A blind man was out walking with his seeing-eye dog when suddenly the animal paused and wet the man's leg. Bending down, the blind man stretched out his hand and patted the dog's head.
Having watched what happened, a bystander said, "Why are you patting him? That dog just peed on your leg!"
"I know," said the blind man, "but I gotta find his head before I can kick his butt."
1.)Sag, You're it
2.)Pin the Toupee on the bald guy
3.)20 questions shouted into your good ear
4.)Kick the bucket
5.)Red Rover, Red Rover, the nurse says Bend Over
6.)Doc Goose
7.)Simon says something incoherent
8.)Hide and go pee
9.)Spin the Bottle of Mylanta
10.)Musical recliners
Having watched what happened, a bystander said, "Why are you patting him? That dog just peed on your leg!"
"I know," said the blind man, "but I gotta find his head before I can kick his butt."
1.)Sag, You're it
2.)Pin the Toupee on the bald guy
3.)20 questions shouted into your good ear
4.)Kick the bucket
5.)Red Rover, Red Rover, the nurse says Bend Over
6.)Doc Goose
7.)Simon says something incoherent
8.)Hide and go pee
9.)Spin the Bottle of Mylanta
10.)Musical recliners
QUESTION: When God comes to stay in your heart what will you feel?
Bible Questions & Answers
(This heading will appear at the top of each post)
Over the coming months I’ll be answering questions on the topics below.
1. God/Christ
2. Holy Spirit
3. The church
4. Worship
5. New Testament
6. Old Testament
7. Elders
8. Salvation/Baptism
9. Musical Instruments
11.Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage
13.Denominationalism/Other Religions
15.General Biblically Related Topics
If you have a specific question you would like to ask, send it to Dan Allen You must give your name and e-mail address.
When I answer your question I will not show your name or e-mail address when I post your question to this blog.
I will make every effort to answer your questions within 3 days.
Each answered question will include a Scripture reference for the question. I urge you to read all scriptures from your Bible accepting only what the Bible teaches.
QUESTION: When God comes to stay in your heart what will you feel?
ANSWER: The heart that is talked about in the Bible refers to our mind or our
understanding. When we receive God’s Word, the Bible, into our minds (our Bible
hearts) and we come to believe and obey it, then God dwells in our hearts
(minds). He does not actually live in our bodies. He is said to dwell in us, only
because we let His words (the Bible) dwell in us (Colossians 3:16). When one
obeys the Bible he or she feels (and is) free (John 8:32) and happy (Acts 8:39),
because in obedience all past sins are taken away and one becomes a true child
of God. These feelings co
(This heading will appear at the top of each post)
Over the coming months I’ll be answering questions on the topics below.
1. God/Christ
2. Holy Spirit
3. The church
4. Worship
5. New Testament
6. Old Testament
7. Elders
8. Salvation/Baptism
9. Musical Instruments
11.Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage
13.Denominationalism/Other Religions
15.General Biblically Related Topics
If you have a specific question you would like to ask, send it to Dan Allen You must give your name and e-mail address.
When I answer your question I will not show your name or e-mail address when I post your question to this blog.
I will make every effort to answer your questions within 3 days.
Each answered question will include a Scripture reference for the question. I urge you to read all scriptures from your Bible accepting only what the Bible teaches.
QUESTION: When God comes to stay in your heart what will you feel?
ANSWER: The heart that is talked about in the Bible refers to our mind or our
understanding. When we receive God’s Word, the Bible, into our minds (our Bible
hearts) and we come to believe and obey it, then God dwells in our hearts
(minds). He does not actually live in our bodies. He is said to dwell in us, only
because we let His words (the Bible) dwell in us (Colossians 3:16). When one
obeys the Bible he or she feels (and is) free (John 8:32) and happy (Acts 8:39),
because in obedience all past sins are taken away and one becomes a true child
of God. These feelings co
Sunday, February 27, 2011
7 QUESTION: A student asked, “who created God?”
Bible Questions & Answers
(This heading will appear at the top of each post)
Over the coming months I’ll be answering questions on the topics below.
1. God/Christ
2. Holy Spirit
3. The church
4. Worship
5. New Testament
6. Old Testament
7. Elders
8. Salvation/Baptism
9. Musical Instruments
11.Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage
13.Denominationalism/Other Religions
15.General Biblically Related Topics
If you have a specific question you would like to ask, send it to Dan Allen You must give your name and e-mail address.
When I answer your question I will not show your name or e-mail address when I post your question to this blog.
I will make every effort to answer your questions within 3 days.
Each answered question will include a Scripture reference for the question. I urge you to read all scriptures from your Bible accepting only what the Bible teaches.
QUESTION: A student asked, “who created God?” What are your views on
this? How can I make it clear?
ANSWER: The Bible is clear! “Lord, thou hast been our dwelling place in all
generations. Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed
the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, thou art God”
(Psalms 90:1-2). God has always existed!
(This heading will appear at the top of each post)
Over the coming months I’ll be answering questions on the topics below.
1. God/Christ
2. Holy Spirit
3. The church
4. Worship
5. New Testament
6. Old Testament
7. Elders
8. Salvation/Baptism
9. Musical Instruments
11.Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage
13.Denominationalism/Other Religions
15.General Biblically Related Topics
If you have a specific question you would like to ask, send it to Dan Allen You must give your name and e-mail address.
When I answer your question I will not show your name or e-mail address when I post your question to this blog.
I will make every effort to answer your questions within 3 days.
Each answered question will include a Scripture reference for the question. I urge you to read all scriptures from your Bible accepting only what the Bible teaches.
QUESTION: A student asked, “who created God?” What are your views on
this? How can I make it clear?
ANSWER: The Bible is clear! “Lord, thou hast been our dwelling place in all
generations. Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed
the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, thou art God”
(Psalms 90:1-2). God has always existed!
QUESTION: Since God cast Satan out of heaven
Bible Questions & Answers
(This heading will appear at the top of each post)
Over the coming months I’ll be answering questions on the topics below.
1. God/Christ
2. Holy Spirit
3. The church
4. Worship
5. New Testament
6. Old Testament
7. Elders
8. Salvation/Baptism
9. Musical Instruments
11.Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage
13.Denominationalism/Other Religions
15.General Biblically Related Topics
If you have a specific question you would like to ask, send it to Dan Allen You must give your name and e-mail address.
When I answer your question I will not show your name or e-mail address when I post your question to this blog.
I will make every effort to answer your questions within 3 days.
Each answered question will include a Scripture reference for the question. I urge you to read all scriptures from your Bible accepting only what the Bible teaches.
QUESTION: Since God cast Satan out of heaven into this world, does not
God become liable for the sin of this world?
ANSWER: No! Satan is in this world by permission, with his power controlled
and restrained within certain limits by God. His power, limited to deceit and
temptation, is permitted exercise by God in order to try (test) and prove men in
this life for one of two possible destinies, heaven or hell (James 1:12; I Peter
(This heading will appear at the top of each post)
Over the coming months I’ll be answering questions on the topics below.
1. God/Christ
2. Holy Spirit
3. The church
4. Worship
5. New Testament
6. Old Testament
7. Elders
8. Salvation/Baptism
9. Musical Instruments
11.Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage
13.Denominationalism/Other Religions
15.General Biblically Related Topics
If you have a specific question you would like to ask, send it to Dan Allen You must give your name and e-mail address.
When I answer your question I will not show your name or e-mail address when I post your question to this blog.
I will make every effort to answer your questions within 3 days.
Each answered question will include a Scripture reference for the question. I urge you to read all scriptures from your Bible accepting only what the Bible teaches.
QUESTION: Since God cast Satan out of heaven into this world, does not
God become liable for the sin of this world?
ANSWER: No! Satan is in this world by permission, with his power controlled
and restrained within certain limits by God. His power, limited to deceit and
temptation, is permitted exercise by God in order to try (test) and prove men in
this life for one of two possible destinies, heaven or hell (James 1:12; I Peter
Friday, February 25, 2011
6 QUESTION: If God is the head of Christ,
Bible Questions & Answers
(This heading will appear at the top of each post)
Over the coming months I’ll be answering questions on the topics below.
1. God/Christ
2. Holy Spirit
3. The church
4. Worship
5. New Testament
6. Old Testament
7. Elders
8. Salvation/Baptism
9. Musical Instruments
11.Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage
13.Denominationalism/Other Religions
15.General Biblically Related Topics
If you have a specific question you would like to ask, send it to Dan Allen You must give your name and e-mail address.
When I answer your question I will not show your name or e-mail address when I post your question to this blog.
I will make every effort to answer your questions within 3 days.
Each answered question will include a Scripture reference for the question. I urge you to read all scriptures from your Bible accepting only what the Bible teaches.
QUESTION: If God is the head of Christ, would it not be more proper and
honorable to ascribe the headship of the church to God the Father?
ANSWER: This question reflects the reasoning of man rather than the will of
God! “And what is the exceeding greatness of His power to us-ward who believe,
according to the working of His mighty power, which He wrought in Christ, when
He raised Him from the dead, and set Him at His own right hand in the heavenly
places, far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every
name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come: And
(God the Father) hath put all things under His (Christ’s) feet, and gave Him
(Christ) to be the head over all things to the church, which is His body, the
fullness of Him that filleth all in all” (Ephesians 1:19-23).
Since the Father Himself ascribed the headship of the church to His son, Jesus
Christ, it would only be proper and honorable to submit to His wisdom and
authority by doing the same! To do otherwise would be to sinfully reject His will in
the matter!
(This heading will appear at the top of each post)
Over the coming months I’ll be answering questions on the topics below.
1. God/Christ
2. Holy Spirit
3. The church
4. Worship
5. New Testament
6. Old Testament
7. Elders
8. Salvation/Baptism
9. Musical Instruments
11.Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage
13.Denominationalism/Other Religions
15.General Biblically Related Topics
If you have a specific question you would like to ask, send it to Dan Allen You must give your name and e-mail address.
When I answer your question I will not show your name or e-mail address when I post your question to this blog.
I will make every effort to answer your questions within 3 days.
Each answered question will include a Scripture reference for the question. I urge you to read all scriptures from your Bible accepting only what the Bible teaches.
QUESTION: If God is the head of Christ, would it not be more proper and
honorable to ascribe the headship of the church to God the Father?
ANSWER: This question reflects the reasoning of man rather than the will of
God! “And what is the exceeding greatness of His power to us-ward who believe,
according to the working of His mighty power, which He wrought in Christ, when
He raised Him from the dead, and set Him at His own right hand in the heavenly
places, far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every
name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come: And
(God the Father) hath put all things under His (Christ’s) feet, and gave Him
(Christ) to be the head over all things to the church, which is His body, the
fullness of Him that filleth all in all” (Ephesians 1:19-23).
Since the Father Himself ascribed the headship of the church to His son, Jesus
Christ, it would only be proper and honorable to submit to His wisdom and
authority by doing the same! To do otherwise would be to sinfully reject His will in
the matter!
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Question 5
Bible Questions & Answers
(This heading will appear at the top of each post)
Over the coming months I’ll be answering questions on the topics below.
1. God/Christ
2. Holy Spirit
3. The church
4. Worship
5. New Testament
6. Old Testament
7. Elders
8. Salvation/Baptism
9. Musical Instruments
11.Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage
13.Denominationalism/Other Religions
15.General Biblically Related Topics
If you have a specific question you would like to ask, send it to Dan Allen You must give your name and e-mail address.
When I answer your question I will not show your name or e-mail address when I post your question to this blog.
I will make every effort to answer your questions within 3 days.
Each answered question will include a Scripture reference for the question. I urge you to read all scriptures from your Bible accepting only what the Bible teaches.
QUESTION: Because God allowed Satan to mislead His people, does this
mean that God was powerless to do anything about it?
ANSWER: No! God is all-powerful. If He were not, He could not be God! Please
refer to our response to the question above.
Col.2::12 having been buried with him in baptism, in which you were also raised with him through faith in the powerful working of God, who raised him from the dead.
(This heading will appear at the top of each post)
Over the coming months I’ll be answering questions on the topics below.
1. God/Christ
2. Holy Spirit
3. The church
4. Worship
5. New Testament
6. Old Testament
7. Elders
8. Salvation/Baptism
9. Musical Instruments
11.Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage
13.Denominationalism/Other Religions
15.General Biblically Related Topics
If you have a specific question you would like to ask, send it to Dan Allen You must give your name and e-mail address.
When I answer your question I will not show your name or e-mail address when I post your question to this blog.
I will make every effort to answer your questions within 3 days.
Each answered question will include a Scripture reference for the question. I urge you to read all scriptures from your Bible accepting only what the Bible teaches.
QUESTION: Because God allowed Satan to mislead His people, does this
mean that God was powerless to do anything about it?
ANSWER: No! God is all-powerful. If He were not, He could not be God! Please
refer to our response to the question above.
Col.2::12 having been buried with him in baptism, in which you were also raised with him through faith in the powerful working of God, who raised him from the dead.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
QUESTION: Why did God not immediately destroy Satan so that we would not sin?
Bible Questions & Answers
(This heading will appear at the top of each post)
Over the coming months I’ll be answering questions on the topics below.
1. God/Christ
2. Holy Spirit
3. The church
4. Worship
5. New Testament
6. Old Testament
7. Elders
8. Salvation/Baptism
9. Musical Instruments
11.Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage
13.Denominationalism/Other Religions
15.General Biblically Related Topics
If you have a specific question you would like to ask, send it to Dan Allen You must give your name and e-mail address.
When I answer your question I will not show your name or e-mail address when I post your question to this blog.
I will make every effort to answer your questions within 3 days.
Each answered question will include a Scripture reference for the question. I urge you to read all scriptures from your Bible accepting only what the Bible teaches.
QUESTION: Why did God not immediately destroy Satan so that we would
not sin?
ANSWER: God does not cause man to be tempted to sin (James 1:12-15).
Neither did He create man so he would not have the opportunity to express
through his actions the likeness of the God in whose image he was made.
Indeed, there would be no spiritual or moral value at all in our lives, if we did not
have the choice of right or wrong. Even in this, our loving God through His Son
graciously provided the church. He did so that we could be made free from sin by
the blood of Christ even when we sometimes choose the wrong way. This
provision was according to His eternal purpose (Ephesians 3:9-11).
God will deal with Satan at the appropriate time according to His schedule
(Revelation 20:10).
(This heading will appear at the top of each post)
Over the coming months I’ll be answering questions on the topics below.
1. God/Christ
2. Holy Spirit
3. The church
4. Worship
5. New Testament
6. Old Testament
7. Elders
8. Salvation/Baptism
9. Musical Instruments
11.Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage
13.Denominationalism/Other Religions
15.General Biblically Related Topics
If you have a specific question you would like to ask, send it to Dan Allen You must give your name and e-mail address.
When I answer your question I will not show your name or e-mail address when I post your question to this blog.
I will make every effort to answer your questions within 3 days.
Each answered question will include a Scripture reference for the question. I urge you to read all scriptures from your Bible accepting only what the Bible teaches.
QUESTION: Why did God not immediately destroy Satan so that we would
not sin?
ANSWER: God does not cause man to be tempted to sin (James 1:12-15).
Neither did He create man so he would not have the opportunity to express
through his actions the likeness of the God in whose image he was made.
Indeed, there would be no spiritual or moral value at all in our lives, if we did not
have the choice of right or wrong. Even in this, our loving God through His Son
graciously provided the church. He did so that we could be made free from sin by
the blood of Christ even when we sometimes choose the wrong way. This
provision was according to His eternal purpose (Ephesians 3:9-11).
God will deal with Satan at the appropriate time according to His schedule
(Revelation 20:10).
Bible Questions & Answers (This heading will appear at the top of each post) Over the coming months I’ll be answering questions on the topics below. 1. God/Christ 2. Holy Spirit 3. The church 4. Worship 5. New Testament 6. Old Testament 7. Elders 8. Salvation/Baptism 9. Musical Instruments 10.Infants 11.Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage 12.Sabbatarinism 13.Denominationalism/Other Religions 14.Sin 15.General Biblically Related Topics If you have a specific question you would like to ask, send it to Dan Allen You must give your name and e-mail address. When I answer your question I will not show them when I post your question to this blog. I will make every effort to answer your questions within 3 days. Each answered question will include Scripture reference for the question. I urge you to read all scriptures from your Bible accepting only what the Bible teaches. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ QUESTION: Why do we praise God? ANSWER: To praise God is to express heartily our admiration and thankfulness in prayer and song for what He is; what He has done; what He is doing; and what He has promised to do! We do it, because He is most deserving of it! Also many passages teach that it is the right thing to do. See Psalm 148; Luke 19:37; Romans 15:10-11; Hebrews 2:12.
Bible Questions & Answers
(This heading will appear at the top of each post)
Over the coming months I’ll be answering questions on the topics below.
1. God/Christ
2. Holy Spirit
3. The church
4. Worship
5. New Testament
6. Old Testament
7. Elders
8. Salvation/Baptism
9. Musical Instruments
11.Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage
13.Denominationalism/Other Religions
15.General Biblically Related Topics
If you have a specific question you would like to ask, send it to Dan Allen You must give your name and e-mail address.
When I answer your question I will not show them when I post your question to this blog.
I will make every effort to answer your questions within 3 days.
Each answered question will include Scripture reference for the question. I urge you to read all scriptures from your Bible accepting only what the Bible teaches.
Bible Questions & Answers
(This heading will appear at the top of each post)
Over the coming months I’ll be answering questions on the topics below.
1. God/Christ
2. Holy Spirit
3. The church
4. Worship
5. New Testament
6. Old Testament
7. Elders
8. Salvation/Baptism
9. Musical Instruments
11.Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage
13.Denominationalism/Other Religions
15.General Biblically Related Topics
If you have a specific question you would like to ask, send it to Dan Allen You must give your name and e-mail address.
When I answer your question I will not show them when I post your question to this blog.
I will make every effort to answer your questions within 3 days.
Each answered question will include Scripture reference for the question. I urge you to read all scriptures from your Bible accepting only what the Bible teaches.
QUESTION: Why do we praise God?
ANSWER: To praise God is to express heartily our admiration and thankfulness
in prayer and song for what He is; what He has done; what He is doing; and what
He has promised to do! We do it, because He is most deserving of it! Also many
passages teach that it is the right thing to do. See Psalm 148; Luke 19:37;
Romans 15:10-11; Hebrews 2:12.
ANSWER: To praise God is to express heartily our admiration and thankfulness
in prayer and song for what He is; what He has done; what He is doing; and what
He has promised to do! We do it, because He is most deserving of it! Also many
passages teach that it is the right thing to do. See Psalm 148; Luke 19:37;
Romans 15:10-11; Hebrews 2:12.
(This heading will appear at the top of each post)
Over the coming months I’ll be answering questions on the topics below.
1. God/Christ
2. Holy Spirit
3. The church
4. Worship
5. New Testament
6. Old Testament
7. Elders
8. Salvation/Baptism
9. Musical Instruments
11.Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage
13.Denominationalism/Other Religions
15.General Biblically Related Topics
If you have a specific question you would like to ask, send it to Dan Allen You must give your name and e-mail address.
When I answer your question I will not show them when I post your question to this blog.
I will make every effort to answer your questions within 3 days.
Each answered question will include Scripture reference for the question. I urge you to read all scriptures from your Bible accepting only what the Bible teaches.
Bible Questions & Answers
(This heading will appear at the top of each post)
Over the coming months I’ll be answering questions on the topics below.
1. God/Christ
2. Holy Spirit
3. The church
4. Worship
5. New Testament
6. Old Testament
7. Elders
8. Salvation/Baptism
9. Musical Instruments
11.Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage
13.Denominationalism/Other Religions
15.General Biblically Related Topics
If you have a specific question you would like to ask, send it to Dan Allen You must give your name and e-mail address.
When I answer your question I will not show them when I post your question to this blog.
I will make every effort to answer your questions within 3 days.
Each answered question will include Scripture reference for the question. I urge you to read all scriptures from your Bible accepting only what the Bible teaches.
QUESTION: Why do we praise God?
ANSWER: To praise God is to express heartily our admiration and thankfulness
in prayer and song for what He is; what He has done; what He is doing; and what
He has promised to do! We do it, because He is most deserving of it! Also many
passages teach that it is the right thing to do. See Psalm 148; Luke 19:37;
Romans 15:10-11; Hebrews 2:12.
ANSWER: To praise God is to express heartily our admiration and thankfulness
in prayer and song for what He is; what He has done; what He is doing; and what
He has promised to do! We do it, because He is most deserving of it! Also many
passages teach that it is the right thing to do. See Psalm 148; Luke 19:37;
Romans 15:10-11; Hebrews 2:12.
QUESTION: How do we see (know) God in our everyday living?
Bible Questions & Answers
(This heading will appear at the top of each post)
Over the coming months I’ll be answering questions on the topics below.
1. God/Christ
2. Holy Spirit
3. The church
4. Worship
5. New Testament
6. Old Testament
7. Elders
8. Salvation/Baptism
9. Musical Instruments
11.Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage
13.Denominationalism/Other Religions
15.General Biblically Related Topics
If you have a specific question you would like to ask, send it to Dan Allen You must give your name and e-mail address.
When I answer your question I will not show them when I post your question to this blog.
I will make every effort to answer your questions within 3 days.
Each answered question will include Scripture reference for the question. I urge you to read all scriptures from your Bible accepting only what the Bible teaches.
QUESTION: How do we see (know) God in our everyday living?
ANSWER: We can partially see (know) God through His creative handiwork
(Psalms 19:1-4 & Romans 1:20) and come to know Him more perfectly through
learning (biblical studies) and obedience to His will (I John 4:6). But humankind
cannot see (know) Him in the fullest sense; “For my thoughts are not your
thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are
higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts
higher than your thoughts” (Isaiah 55:8-9).
(This heading will appear at the top of each post)
Over the coming months I’ll be answering questions on the topics below.
1. God/Christ
2. Holy Spirit
3. The church
4. Worship
5. New Testament
6. Old Testament
7. Elders
8. Salvation/Baptism
9. Musical Instruments
11.Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage
13.Denominationalism/Other Religions
15.General Biblically Related Topics
If you have a specific question you would like to ask, send it to Dan Allen You must give your name and e-mail address.
When I answer your question I will not show them when I post your question to this blog.
I will make every effort to answer your questions within 3 days.
Each answered question will include Scripture reference for the question. I urge you to read all scriptures from your Bible accepting only what the Bible teaches.
QUESTION: How do we see (know) God in our everyday living?
ANSWER: We can partially see (know) God through His creative handiwork
(Psalms 19:1-4 & Romans 1:20) and come to know Him more perfectly through
learning (biblical studies) and obedience to His will (I John 4:6). But humankind
cannot see (know) Him in the fullest sense; “For my thoughts are not your
thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are
higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts
higher than your thoughts” (Isaiah 55:8-9).
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
What is God like?
Bible Questions & Answers
(This heading will appear at the top of each post)
Over the coming months I’ll be answering questions on the topics below.
1. God/Christ
2. Holy Spirit
3. The church
4. Worship
5. New Testament
6. Old Testament
7. Elders
8. Salvation/Baptism
9. Musical Instruments
11.Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage
13.Denominationalism/Other Religions
15.General Biblically Related Topics
If you have a specific question you would like to ask, send it to Dan Allen You must give your name and e-mail address.
When I answer your question I will not show them when I post your question to this blog.
I will make every effort to answer your questions within 3 days.
Each answered question will include Scripture reference for the question. I urge you to read all scriptures from your Bible accepting only what the Bible teaches.
QUESTION: What is God like?
ANSWER: We believe none can answer this question fully! There is neither
human knowledge, time, nor space that would permit it. Though we may know
some things about Him, we can never fully comprehend such concepts as
limitless, eternal, and infinite concerning His being and will.
Some attributes of God often ascribed to Him are: self-existent, unchangeable,
infinite knowledge, total independence, all-powerful, all-present, righteous, holy,
and good. Toward us as sinners, He is full of mercy, “not willing that any should
perish, but that all should come to repentance” (II Peter 3:9). In I John 4:8, we
are told that He is love! One of the most beautiful pictures of God in the Bible is
found in Luke 15:11-32. Here we see our God lovingly concerned about His
children and willing to forgive to the uttermost.
However, we also see Him described as a God of goodness and severity;
goodness toward those who continue in Him, but severity toward the disobedient.
He will one day judge each of us by Christ (Acts 17:31) according to our deeds
(Revelation 20:12).
The nearest one can come to knowing God is through a deep, thoughtful study of
His Word. This we recommend to you!
(This heading will appear at the top of each post)
Over the coming months I’ll be answering questions on the topics below.
1. God/Christ
2. Holy Spirit
3. The church
4. Worship
5. New Testament
6. Old Testament
7. Elders
8. Salvation/Baptism
9. Musical Instruments
11.Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage
13.Denominationalism/Other Religions
15.General Biblically Related Topics
If you have a specific question you would like to ask, send it to Dan Allen You must give your name and e-mail address.
When I answer your question I will not show them when I post your question to this blog.
I will make every effort to answer your questions within 3 days.
Each answered question will include Scripture reference for the question. I urge you to read all scriptures from your Bible accepting only what the Bible teaches.
QUESTION: What is God like?
ANSWER: We believe none can answer this question fully! There is neither
human knowledge, time, nor space that would permit it. Though we may know
some things about Him, we can never fully comprehend such concepts as
limitless, eternal, and infinite concerning His being and will.
Some attributes of God often ascribed to Him are: self-existent, unchangeable,
infinite knowledge, total independence, all-powerful, all-present, righteous, holy,
and good. Toward us as sinners, He is full of mercy, “not willing that any should
perish, but that all should come to repentance” (II Peter 3:9). In I John 4:8, we
are told that He is love! One of the most beautiful pictures of God in the Bible is
found in Luke 15:11-32. Here we see our God lovingly concerned about His
children and willing to forgive to the uttermost.
However, we also see Him described as a God of goodness and severity;
goodness toward those who continue in Him, but severity toward the disobedient.
He will one day judge each of us by Christ (Acts 17:31) according to our deeds
(Revelation 20:12).
The nearest one can come to knowing God is through a deep, thoughtful study of
His Word. This we recommend to you!
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