Bible Questions & Answers
If you have a specific question you would like to ask, send it to Dan Allen You must give your name and e-mail address.
When I answer your question I will not show your name or e-mail address when I post your question to this blog.
I will make every effort to answer your questions within 3 days.
Each answered question will include a Scripture reference for the question. I urge you to read all scriptures from your Bible accepting only what the Bible teaches.
QUESTION: Did Christ really appoint Peter and his successors head of His
church until the end of time?
ANSWER: No! The Bible does not even mention the notion or title of “Pope.”
Neither does it mention or authorize the ecclesiastical structures prevalent in
both the Catholic and Protestant organizations of today. These ideas, having
their roots solely in the teachings of men, are clearly in violation of plain scriptural
teaching as outlined above. Besides this, Peter had no successor; nor can he
have any today! To be qualified to be an apostle, one must be an eyewitness of
the resurrected Christ (Acts 1:22) as were the twelve (Acts 1:21) and the apostle
Paul (Acts 26:13-18). None living today (including the Pope) have seen the
resurrected Christ! Therefore, none today can be qualified to be an apostle or the
successor to an apostle! We can be sure, then, that those who claim apostleship
today do not represent the church of the New Testament!