Tuesday, June 7, 2011

QUESTION: If a person is in sin; refuses to repent; is withdrawn from; divides the congregation, and starts another congregation, will it be recognized as the church of Christ?

Bible Questions & Answers

If you have a specific question you would like to ask, send it to Dan Allen jd03325@gmail.com You must give your name and e-mail address.
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Each answered question will include a Scripture reference for the question. I urge you to read all scriptures from your Bible accepting only what the Bible teaches.
QUESTION: If a person is in sin; refuses to repent; is withdrawn from;
divides the congregation, and starts another congregation, will it be
recognized as the church of Christ?
ANSWER: Such questions are often difficult to answer without knowing all of the
details. However, if a person is in a sin, of which he refuses to repent, and is
scripturally withdrawn from, all Christians everywhere (regardless of prior
relationships) must recognize and honor that withdrawal action! The man in
question is not only guilty of the sin that necessitated the withdrawal, but has also
become guilty of causing division in the Lord’s Body! Those in support of the man
are in error by not honoring the withdrawal action, and by participating in the sin
of division. Though these are still recognized as Christians, they are “erring”
Christians. Each involved must repent of their sins to be forgiven and saved