Wednesday, April 6, 2011

QUESTION: Did Christ resurrect in body? If yes, explain I Peter 3:18 and I Corinthians 15:42-44, 50.

Bible Questions & Answers

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Truth for the World
Bible Question and Answer Booklet
Compiled by David Amos for Truth for the World 09/04/98
This booklet may be re-printed and freely distributed. However, the contents of this booklet may not be altered in any way.
QUESTION: Did Christ resurrect in body? If yes, explain I Peter 3:18 and I
Corinthians 15:42-44, 50.
ANSWER: Yes! Christ was bodily resurrected (Matthew 28:6; Luke 24:36-43;
John 20:24-29), as we shall be (John 5:28-29; II Corinthians 5:1-10).
I Peter 3:18 simply teaches that Christ was quickened (made alive/resurrected)
through the power and agency of the Holy Spirit, the same power by which our
bodies shall one day be resurrected (Romans 8:11)!
I Corinthians 15:42-44 emphasizes the fact that the bodies that will come forth
from the grave in the general resurrection (all are to be raised at the same time)
will be incorruptible, unlike our present corruptible bodies. Being different from
our present “natural” bodies, they are referred to in verse forty-four as “spiritual
bodies,” not as “spirits without bodies” (II Corinthians 5:2-3)! The flesh of which
the spiritual (heavenly/celestial-vs.40) body is to be made will be unlike anything
that now exists on earth. It will not be as the flesh of present man; as beasts,
fishes, or birds (I Corinthians 15:35-39), but, rather, God will provide a fleshly
body that pleases Him (vs.38). These facts are also evidenced and implied in
verse fifty where we are told that our present flesh and blood bodies, which are
corruptible, cannot enter the kingdom of heaven (which is incorruptible).
Therefore, we will be clothed (II Corinthians 5:1-3) in the resurrection with fleshly,
incorruptible, spiritual bodies unlike our present fleshly, corruptible, natural
bodies. Note very carefully what Paul is saying in verse fifty. He does not say that
incorruptible “flesh and bones” cannot enter heaven! He is saying that corruptible
“flesh and blood” cannot enter heaven! Note also in Luke 24:39 that Jesus’
resurrected body consisted of “flesh and bones.” That His resurrected body had
been “changed” is further seen by the placing of Thomas’ fingers “into the print of
the nails” and the thrusting of his hand “into His side,” indicating an absence of
blood as we know it! This is the incorruptible, glorious, “flesh and bones” body
that the disciples saw taken up into heaven and the same incorruptible, glorious,
“flesh and bones” body that all shall see returning from heaven one day (Acts
1:9-11; Revelation 1:7). In that great day He has promised to ‘change our vile
(corruptible) bodies, that they may be fashioned like unto His glorious
(resurrected) body, . . .’ (Philippians 3:21) and then “we shall be like Him” (I John
4:2)! Note, as well, that the corruptible bodies of those who are alive when the
resurrection occurs will also be “changed” into incorruptible bodies (spiritual
bodies) fit for an eternity in heaven (I Corinthians 15:51-52)!