Friday, April 1, 2011

QUESTION: In answer to a question in the Bible Correspondence Course, I answered that Jesus had an earthly father named Joseph. You marked it wrong. Why?

Bible Questions & Answers

If you have a specific question you would like to ask, send it to Dan Allen You must give your name and e-mail address.
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I will make every effort to answer your questions within 3 days.
Each answered question will include a Scripture reference for the question. I urge you to read all scriptures from your Bible accepting only what the Bible teaches.
QUESTION: In answer to a question in the Bible Correspondence Course, I
answered that Jesus had an earthly father named Joseph. You marked it
wrong. Why?
ANSWER: The Correspondence Course is teaching that Jesus was not
physically fathered by a human being. This means that Joseph was not a
participant in the conception of Jesus (Matthew 1:18). Matthew tells us that which
was conceived in Mary was “of the Holy Ghost” (Matthew 1:20). Therefore, we
may look at Joseph as Jesus’ stepfather, but His true and real Father is the very
God of heaven. Thus we refer to Him as the Son of God!