Bible Questions & Answers
If you have a specific question you would like to ask, send it to Dan Allen You must give your name and e-mail address.
When I answer your question I will not show your name or e-mail address when I post your question to this blog.
I will make every effort to answer your questions within 3 days.
Each answered question will include a Scripture reference for the question. I urge you to read all scriptures from your Bible accepting only what the Bible teaches.
QUESTION: Is it necessary to be a member of Christ’s church in order to
be saved or can one be saved in the Catholic Church, or one of the other
ANSWER: It is necessary to be a member of the church for which Jesus died in
order to be saved. He said that He would build one church (Matthew 16:18). In
Acts chapter two, we read of its establishment. Paul said in Ephesians 1:22-23,
that the church is His body. Later, in Ephesians 4:4, he tells us that there is only
one body. It is into this one body, this church, that one “must” be baptized
through the agency (the direction) of the one Spirit (I Corinthians 12:13). The
direction of the Spirit comes only through the word of God, which tells us how a
person enters that one church. On the day of Pentecost (Acts 2), those who
“gladly received his word were baptized; and the same day there were added
unto them about three thousand souls” (vs.41). “And the Lord added daily to the
church (His church) such as were being saved (vs.47). These believing people
repented, and were immersed for the remission of sins (Acts 2:38), after which
they were added to the church that Christ had built. (They were not added to the
Catholic Church, which was established 600 years later, nor were they added to
denominationalism, which had its several beginnings in the fifteenth century!) All
of the saved people on Pentecost Day were members of the church of Christ!
Obviously, there is no difference between those who live today and the people of
Acts chapter two! When people today, as they, gladly receive His word (when
they believe and submit totally to it), repent, confess, and are immersed in water
for the remission of sins, they too are added by God to that same church; the one
church, the Church of Christ (Romans 16:16). Since Christ built only one church
(the church of the Bible), it can only be concluded that all other religious
organizations (including the Catholic and Protestant Churches) were built by man
(Matthew 15:8-14). In these, there is no promise of salvation; no promise of
hope; no promise of the blessings of Christ (Ephesians 1:3). These promises are
to be found only in His church; the church of Christ!